Saturday, September 23rd, was Matti Jane’s birthday. She turned 7 years old. She asked for one thing for her birthday…pierced ears. But, before that exciting/scary/sobbing moment, we had soccer games.
Matti Jane had soccer pictures at 8 AM. Matti Jane was up in plenty of time because it was her BIG DAY…needless to say, we are on time…early in fact 😉 I swear to goodness her smile is so much bigger…she was literally on Cloud 9 all day long.
I wanted to make each part of the day special so we gave her team birthday cookies after the game…pink soccer balls and the number 7 for all!! (Of course the cookies were done by Kathryn’s Crafty Cakes)
After Matti Jane’s game, she and I headed to Chandler’s game and then we headed home for a halftime break 😉 Next was the ear piercing…Matti Jane was so excited I cannot even articulate it accurately. We were pulling out of the driveway and she says to Peter and I…”Mommy, I have a funny feeling in my tummy…what do you think that means?!?!” Sweet sweet girl…I told her it meant that she was both nervous and excited and I get the exact same feeling when I am getting ready to do something I am nervous about. She just smiled and sat back.
They are there…little teeny tiny gold balls. They are there for the next 6 weeks. Her birthday presents consisted of these special sterile earrings, a set of 3 from Stella & Dot’s little girl collection…red hearts, gold crowns and silver Eiffel Towers. And, this t-shirt that spells 7 in gold glitter. Etsy, of course 😉
From G&H Jewelers, we headed to Matti Jane’s favorite restaurant, Island Hideaway for a birthday celebration. As always an amazing meal!!
I am sure Matti Jane’s highlight at dinner was receiving presents and blowing out her candles, but MY highlight was seeing my Mom and Bestie wearing pretty much the EXACT same outfit. I was not letting this moment go without documentation…
Sunday morning we took 3 of Matti Jane’s school besties to the American Girl Doll Bistro for lunch. She was still in Birthday heaven.
How a boy gets a long at the American Girl Doll Bistro…dinosaurs!!!
Can we say THRILLED?!?!?
tiffaniatbretonbay says
hahaha, thank you Tina…but barely getting by 😉 If I showed you my laundry room RIGHT NOW, you would shake your head and say “oh lord, she needs some help!!”
tiffaniatbretonbay says
Thank you Kathryn!! And yesterday’s cookies were a HIT too!!! Thank you for playing such a HUGE roll in my babies’ lives!!!