Happy rainy Tuesday friends!! As much as I dislike a gloomy day, I am thankful we are not in the situation that Houston and their neighboring areas are in. I am going to donate today…seeing that picture of the elderly home as well as the man carrying the woman with her baby… It truly makes you count your blessings.
We did our annual trip to Old Lyme Connecticut a couple of weeks ago. It is a week we get to spend with Peter’s parents who live close by in Old Saybrook, CT but they come and stay with us at the Old House. And, Emily, Peter’s sister and her family, who live in New Jersey, come and we get to spend the week together catching up and watching our children play together. It was a GREAT week…however…
So, this is how our vacation began 🙁
Peter went out the night before to put the paddleboards on the car, so we aren’t sure if he left a light on, or one of the kids did. We laugh now, but we were not laughing when we were digging the jumper cables out from UNDER everything we had packed. Literally had to take EVERYTHING out and repack after the battery charged.
Not to worry, we were on our way and stopped at our favorite rest stop on the way!! PJs and all 🙂
Once we arrived, we stopped at the Old Saybrook Train Station for a late lunch at the Pizza Shop. We enjoyed pizza and went outside to watch the trains come and go. The girls said it was for Shay but I think they loved it just as much (Peter too ;-)).
We finally arrived at the Old House and started to unpack and got into vacation mode.
We enjoyed some cousin time and invited some family that lives close by for dinner and dessert the following night. The following day, Uncle David and Kate (Peter’s father’s brother) wonderfully invited us to the Old Lyme Beach Club and we had a blast!
The day began with Chandler and her many hats 🙂 First she borrowed Grammy’s and then she borrowed mine. I cannot even take the cuteness of that face!!!
Then we headed out in the Long Island Sound on paddleboards. It was Chandler and Shay’s maiden voyage!! So proud of them!!
Notice the fish out there?!?! Matti Jane just LOVES to swim and jumped off the paddleboard once they got to shore.
Shay and Grampy…Shay’s middle name is Christopher, named after his Grampy!!
Soon it was time to pack up, get dressed and head home.
We stopped on the way home and picked up Lobsters. Because…when in New England…
They did each take turns putting the lobsters into the pot, but there were many lobsters dropped which lent for fewer picture opportunities as I was chasing and grabbing lobsters…hahaha
The following day was the DINOSAUR PARK!!! We had visited there 2 years ago and could not wait to return!!
And ended the day at the water park there on site.
The following day we took a Ferry from New London, Connecticut to Block Island, Rhode Island. You guys, this day was SO FUN!! If you were following on Instastories or Facebook stories, you saw that we saw US Navy submarines emerging out of the water on our ride. The Ferry is located close to a Sub Base so we totally lucked out!! Talk about COOL!!
Once we arrived, we went to pick up our bikes we had reserved the day before and went out to explore the island on bikes!! Being that we only had bikes, everything had to be in a backpack, and well, Matti Jane had brought her Shopkins one for her toys, so that’s what I rocked!!
We headed to the beach and enjoyed an overcast day…perfect weather!!
From there, we ate lunch and got energy to bike to the Mohegan Cliffs. It was definitely an uphill ride but worth every second. The Mohegan Bluffs are clay cliffs that are on the Atlantic Ocean, also home of their Wind Farm. You have to take 141 stairs to get down (and back up…haha) but sooooo amazing!!
Notice the clay on their faces…they said that is what their mommy’s put on their faces at night. I am thinking the hubby’s may have told them that joke 😉
The following day was the day before we headed home. We woke up early and headed to get donuts at Grampy’s favorite donut shop.
From there we headed to a local pond and did lots of fishing with Grampy. The kids had a BLAST and actually caught a lot of fish!! (Not to worry, we threw them all back)
That afternoon we decided to stay home and enjoy the Old House. With the Old House comes an old super cool red truck that we all love to play on (and the guys love to drive!!) and a go-kart. Fun all around!!
We look forward to this vacation every year. The Old House is such a special place and as Peter grew up making memories there, now I treasure that our children will as well.
Until next year Old House…
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